#217 - Three Secrets For Raising Capital with Chris Houghtaling & Pete Martinez
Chris Houghtaling & Pete Martinez / CEO & President of RaiseLink
October 05, 2022
Guest Bio
Chris Houghtaling & Pete Martinez / CEO & President of RaiseLink
Pete Martinez is President of RaiseLink a FinTech platform for advanced investor-startup matching, engagement, and related services. An international entrepreneur, he has led numerous high impact initiatives in the areas of high technology, business consulting, healthcare, and education. Martinez is a 32 year veteran of IBM, where he was Vice President of Global Business Services and Senior Executive for IBM South Florida. He is also a research affiliate at MIT, and visiting professor at Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University. With over 30 patents and publications he is a frequent international speaker while consulting to leading edge companies. He is a graduate of the University of Miami College of Engineering and past Chairman of the Florida Research Consortium.June 22, 2007 was proclaimed 'Pete Martinez Day' by the City of Boca Raton.
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