Ep. 21 - Brian Javeline - MyOnlineToolbox
Brian Javeline / CEO of My Online Toolbox
September 04, 2018
Guest Bio
Brian Javeline / CEO of My Online Toolbox
Serial Entrepreneur who
is President & Co-founder of MyOnlineToolbox, the #1 Online Marketing &
Website SEO Education Series for the Construction and Remodeling industry.
In addition to the educational classes, they offer Strategic Marketing
Planning to clearly define your goals with an emphasis towards online
objectives. Brian's 1st Business was software for the
Apparel Industry that became an IBM Success Story. His previous venture
before MyOnlineToolbox went from a concept to just under 20,000 users before he
sold his interests to form MyOnlineToolbox. Brian then obtained a
handful of investors to help create MyOnlineToolbox and in a few short years
has become a leading force in helping contractors Get More Quality Leads.
Watch The Highlights Now!
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