Guest Bio
Carly Altier / The Seed
Carly was born and raised in Boca Raton, FL. A month prior to her
graduating nursing school The Seed was planted. Always having a passion
for the biz and feeling Boca was lacking edge she felt it was necessary
to bring a neighborhood culture to her home town.
The liquified fruit and vegg trend married to specialty coffee seemed
like a no brainer. Entering their 6th year on the block, The Seed
continues to be a community hang. With her 4 children in tow, coffee is
essential to her lifestyle which is why they work hard to craft that
perfect cup.
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Featured Episodes

May 01, 2018
Ep. 3 - Ian S. Horowitz - Horowitz Legal, PLLC
Ian S. Horowitz / Horowitz Legal, PLLC
Mr. Horowitz focuses his practice on estate, gift, federal income, and generation-skipping transfer taxation and related business transactional matters. He provides counsel to businesses and individuals on entity...

May 01, 2018
Ep. 4 - Steven Fleisher - Two Degrees
Steven Fleisher / Founder & CEO of Two Degrees
Steven has more than a decade of experience in mobile application development, accelerated when the App Store launched in 2008. He produced one of the most downloaded entertainment apps in the App Store, reaching #1 on...

May 01, 2018
Ep. 27 - Matthew Williams - FROPRO
Matthew Williams / Founder of FROPRO
It wasn’t until overnight that Matt lost everything he thought was important that he realized he had to make a change. Matt was fortunate to have a strong support system and ability to receive proper treatment to...